Monday, December 1, 2014

Language Tours Introduction Letter

¡Hola Amigos!     

Vengan con nosotros a La Península Yucatán para escalar pirámides, bañarse en los cenotes, conocer la culutura Yucateca, y aprender el español en México.

          We offer specialized language tours to Mérida, Yucatán, México for students of all ages. Two-week tours focus on language study in preparation for daily authentic activities throughout the city and surrounding area, and are taught and guided by certified instructors and experienced guides.

Included are two multi-day excursions to eco-archaeological sites and the Caribbean Coast, and three day-excursions, which provide opportunity to utilize language with native Spanish-speakers in actual situations.

          Our primary objective is to foster daily language use in the ideal environment, preparing student travelers of all ages for future self-guided international journeys and college placement examsAt YLS, we prefer to show you how rather than just show you.

So, if you just  want to see the sites at the mercy of another, book a luxury package to Cancún and pay lots of $$$$.

However, if you’re ready for a true adventure in language and cultural diversity that will spark a lifetime of learning, travel with us this time, and save even more next time you travel… solo!

          Les esperamos,               Chris Eidemiller, Tour Director


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